「未来へ贈る そして、ともに未来を創る」
Give to the future, and simultaneously create the future.
Pay it forward. Give to the future, and simultaneously create the future.
We have taken the traditional mechanism of paying an equivalent value for an experience a step forward.
This is a mechanism that involves using money as a tool to create circulation and connection, and giving this tool to the future.

どれひとつとっても 昨日という過去から未来へ贈られた「誰かの想いや希望」がカタチとなったもの。
Nature is a blessing that is born out of the intertwining of the forests, rivers and seas, and every bit of nature is something that took form as a result of somebody’s wishes and hopes from a past called yesterday.

今、私達が過ごしている日日(ひび)も同じく、過ぎし日の誰かからの贈りものです。 そして、この先の未来を生きる誰もがまた、森川海とのめぐりとつながりによってうまれる ゆたかな時間を過ごせますように。
The days that we are spending now are also a gift from someone in the past. And so, we hope that everybody who will live here onwards will be able to spend enriching moments that are born from the intertwining of the forests, rivers and seas.

With these warm feelings, we hope that through us, you too can pass on the gifts received from the past to the future, and we would be happy if you could present and connect the gifts of the past to someone important who will live in the future.

ペイフォワード(恩贈り) というカタチでお預かりした想いが育む『未来への希望』。希望あふれる未来をともに。
The sentiments that we have been entrusted with in the form of “Pay it forward” will nurture the hope for the future. Let us head towards a future brimming with hope, together.